TestWisely is ready for proudction use, but with some limitations.
- AgileWay Customers only
If we open to the public for trials, considerable infrastructure costs are involved. However, as a small company (this is our preferred approach), we reserve these resources for our customers. If you're curious about executing your end-to-end tests on TestWisley, experience it firsthand now with our live demo. Wondering how good TestWisely can make your Contitnous Testing, check out this case study: "Showcase a 500+ End-to-End (via UI) Test Suite: E2E Test Automation is Surely Feasible for Large/Complex Apps"
- The target web app is accessible from our build machines
It is customer's reponsibilty to make sure its test server is accessible, via protected URL or VPN setup.
TestWisely is a convenient all-in-one solution for real Continuous Testing (end-to-end functional, performance and load testing). The customers don't need to worry about infrastructure setup to use our Award-winning BuildWise CT server.
For TestWisely's quick start guide, check out Zhimin Zhan's book: "Practical Performance and Load Testing", the Appendix in the free sample.
There are still some features missing, your feedback will help make TestWisely better!
- Only public reposistories, e.g. Github public ones, are supported